How to Heal from Trauma?

March was just as packed with free online events, as the previous couple of months. How to overcome psychological trauma and how to live more authentically and mindfully were some of the highlights in March. I did not have the chance to attend them all, but I tried to have a peek on some of the discourse. Here’s what I found most interesting.

Decode your trauma mini-course, Mar 6-10

This five-day mini-course led by Alex Howard served as an introduction to his ECHO model of trauma. Alex is an author, a coach, a chronic-fatigue specialist, and the founder of The Optimum Health Clinic London. He presented the theory behind his RESET program, which you can find here. He is frequently invited as a guest-speaker to international conferences on psychology and well-being.

Mindfulness in Psychotherapy Summit, Mar 8-9

In this summit, world’s leading trainers, such as Mark Epstein, MD, Susan Pollak, MTS, MEd, EdD, and Justin Brewer, MD, PhD, joined to show practical and easy-to-use methods that can help clients—all based on the latest evidence. In a joyful and relaxed learning environment, attendees discovered unique strategies to apply mindfulness to a variety of clinical issues, like trauma, ADHD, substance use disorders, and grief and loss.

Global Resilience Summit, Mar 14-19

This 6-day-summit aimed at helping people learn strategies for increasing and sustaining their own resilience and contributing to their communities’ resilience. Among the keynote speakers were Tara Brach, Bessel van der Kolk, Rhonda Magee, Dan Siegel, Lara Boyd, Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, Stephen Porges, Winona LaDuke, Rick Hanson, Thomas Hübl, Barbara Fredrickson,  Ken Wilber, Spring Washam, Otto Scharmer, Grandmother Mona Polacca, Tiokasin Ghosthorse and many more. Some of the topics covered presented strategies on how to how to deepen and sustain our well-being & resilience; heal trauma and build nurturing & healing relationships; co-create healthy and resilient local communities; take action for climate resilience and sustainable living; live more consciously in true relationship with the Earth.

The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit, Mar 16-20

The world is increasingly uncertain. Staying true to compassion, goodness, and virtue becomes more and more challenging. We need inspiration more than ever, so the goal of the summit was to respond to that need. Over 5 inspirational days, we heard from an esteemed panel of Buddhist teachers, experts, spiritual leaders, and activists who explore a wide range of key ideas spanning compassion, ethics, meditation, and wisdom — including the power of meditation to fuel societal change, ethical action, and how we can awaken compassion in ourselves and others.

Living an Authentic Life Summit, Mar 29 – Apr 2

This event was initially conceptualized as a journey towards inner peace, freedom and joy. Everyone wishing to escape the state of distress, to re-connect to who they really are, to deal with ease with triggering external events in the world, to transform themselves and to find a clear path to move forward, was welcome to join. In the intimate conversations with Gabor Maté, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Rhonda Magee, Dan Siegel and many more — attendees had the chance to explore the common problems preventing us from living authentically; to discover how compassion, gratitude and love can help us expand in our life; to expand our vision of what’s possible as we live more authentically; and to  bring more joy, inner peace, and freedom into our life.

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